My dad, stepsisters & stepmom...!!
2003-05-30 || 3:04 p.m.

I've been writing in this dairy for like two years & a few months now & I've mentioned James a whole bunch, Lance & my sister, mom & Dan, my eating disorder, Denny's & a whole load of other crap[not that half of them ARE crap..well not ALL of them]...but I don't remember much about mentioning my dad & his family & stuff like that. Correct me if I am wrong. Have I even mentioned my two step sisters Jayleen & Courtney or my step mom Judy? I don't remember doing that.

Well in 1996 & before that everything with my parents seemed fine. They seemed in love with each other & nothing was going wrong. My dad treated my mom like a princess, was always there for her, bought her stuff & was the best husband for her. 1997 seemed to change everything between them without any reason. Like I still thought they were doing okay but then thats when Dan aka Psychodan came in. My mom at first didn't like him & tried to keep him away from us but somehow that changed. She started disappearing, lying & always being around him & we all got suspicious of her & we ended up finding condoms in her new apartment & we knew what that meant! Dad moped around for the longest time & they ended up divorcing Jan 1998. My sister todl me that dad was going to commit suicide cuz of it & then he met Judy from work...!! She's an awesome person for him & they make a cute couple! I miss my parents together but if they aren't together then I am glad he's with her! And my two new sisters are awesome too! We talk about everything together & have alot in common even if I am like 10 years older than them! Dad & Judy got married in June 2000 & she looked so pretty!

Last nite I went to Jayleen's soccer game in James Mowat Elementary school & Courtney died her hair[the front]pink & it looks so cool!! :) I want to do it when I get paid! :) She knows what she is doing in life & wants to be a singer/songwriter! Jayleen is in all these classes like soccer & dance & she's so good at it! I am so happy for them & feel embarassed that none of us kids[me, Keri & Lisa]are really into anything like that. Lisa is in security school now @ least but not until April of this year!

I miss seeing my dad like I used to plus my step sisters & mom & I hope I get to see them more often!! :) I will write more about them from now on!

ED news: I am now binging/puging again. I don't know what triggered it again but even if I don't mind myself like I used to the urge just comes back. I don't do it too much but more than I have been.

I want to get my hair dyed pink, a tattoo & my bellybutton peirced & no I am not trying to be "cool" or anything I just feel now that I want that all done on me! Me & Allison are getting tattoos already, Court made me want to get my hair dyed & I just like belly peircing now!

But yah...I got to go now but will write again soon. I wanted to write about my dad & stuff so I did that! :)

Fat ||Thin