boring life wooptidoo...
2003-07-18 || 2:54 p.m.

I know I havent updated in a week. So sue me. No I am kidding. I was busy with my jobs & sick the last few days so didnt bother. Nothing too new has been happening...I paid for drivers ed & will be going to the classes & stuff in the middle of August! :) Hopefully I pass. Then me & my friends can go cruising! :) And my mom & one friend arent getting along @ all & its my mom I am pissed off at cuz of it. I mean my friend didnt do anything to do deserve it & mom is dissing her BIG TIME. :( It drives me nuts. Anywho...yah Dan is gone now cuz he found a new apartment so hopefully things will get better for us. Mom has alot of men all over her that she met at[yes] THE BAR. Of course they will all want you if you go there... Ummm that guy that likes my sister is still lingering around there & sitting at the counter where he can stare at her. Give it up man. Your a nice person & all but she doesnt want you! GET THE HINT!!! Ummm...what else? My jobs are still going okay...ummm I am getting over a cold now. I mostly have sniffles & my voice is not all here yet. Hmmmm what else??? Nothing I can think of. I thought I would update you on my boring life...hopefully there will be more to tell you later on. Bye!

Fat ||Thin