James is acting like he's boss! Grrr
2003-07-23 || 5:02 p.m.

I saw my reflection when I was smoking & I look sooo retarded! I sooo don't look like a smoker at all. I think if a total stranger saw me smoking they would think that I don't normally smoke. Starting tomorrow I am using suckers for my "smokes". It will save me money, my teeth, my life, others lives & my breath. I don't need that shit rite now. These days I care about my teeth more cuz I don't wanna be 23 & look like a granny! I've seen sooo many smokers with their stained teeth & infected gums..its like "Ummm not for me thanx" so suckers will be a sub for my smokes. I will let you know how that goes for me....

I feel like I'm ready for a boyfriend now becuz why drool over guys I can't have like Matt or James? They both love their girlfriends so what else is there to do but be happy for them? It was Matt's anniversary on July 20 I think it wuz & he was so happy & James & Andrea are doing awesome still. I know that becuz Keri told me they might be moving in together. It didn't bug me one bit tho so it's obvious I'm getting over him. I mean after being broken up with him for almost 8 months I SHOULD be getting over him rite? Its obvious he broke up with me for MORE reasons then not having anything in common...probably cuz he could only take so much of my constant "I'm so fat WHAA WHAA WHAA I want to kill myself" crap I've been doing while I was with him. I admit it was nice of him to put up with me that long tho. Andrea seems to like herself alot more, talks alot & speaks her mind which is what guys usually like. I blew my chance with him so now she can do what she wants with him & I can only be happy or shut my trap.

But he's been an ass lately @ Denny's. He's a supervisor/server now & he's been telling Keri she needs more training, she's not fast enough blah blah blah & its NOT rite. He just acts so better than others & its all getting to his head & he's kissing the bosses ass by doing that. He wants a meeting for late nite to know why its not getting much business anymore & I think thats pure crap. Its the managers decision not his. Lance gave him shit though so that's cool! I wish I was like Lance. Keri WANTS Lance & I want to BE like Lance. But yah I think thats bull what James has been doing & saying...

Anywho enuff of the James talk again. I havent talked about that for awhile so I needed to get it off my chest. I still have feelings lingering for him but why waste my time moping over him when there ARE plenty of fish in the sea. I really do believe that saying now. I just have to let my stomach "guide" me to that man. I mean that I know i like a guy if my stomach feels weird around him. I hope the next guy that happens to is SINGLE. No more taken guys to like!

What else? My jobs are doing okay & hmmm that's about it for now.

Fat ||Thin