My ex is dating a sheep!
2003-07-31 || 4:50 p.m.

My friend just got dumped by her boyfriend yesterday. She was so shocked becuz he did it unexpectedly & just said goodbye. At first she couldnt cry she said but the tears came eventually. It just made me want to rip his eyes out of their sockets & shove them down his throat for what he did to her. Everyone seems to be getting dumped. She doesn't know what she is living for anymore cuz of all the crap she's been thru. I tried to call her but her sister answered & siad she wasn't home & she would get her to call back. *flares lips* Yah like she will give her the message...last time she didn't. Me & her sis used to be sooo close but not anymore cuz she's changed alot. But my friend was saying she thinks she is going to do something stupid but I hope she doesn't cuz I know what that means. I hope she calls me!

I came to the ultimate conclusion that...Andrea looks like a sheep. I mean she has curly hair that looks like wool & a pudgy face like one of a sheep. I just feel like saying "Baah" the next time I see her. I keep thinking that whenever I am doing whatever I am doing that my ex is probably fooling around with a sheep. Whatever it had to be said.

Hmmm what else? Nothing exciting I just felt like writing in here again. I know it is nothing interesting at all but it is something rite??

Fat ||Thin