Nothing too new
2003-08-28 || 6:08 p.m.

I haven't been on here cuz I was busy for awhile plus didn't feel like writing when I wasnt. Nothing new has happened lately. I did my fourth driving lesson today & both me & the instructor no that I won't pass on Tuesday becuz I haven't been practicing during the lessons or before...its not my fault tho becuz all of the people I asked said they are busy, have kids to take care of, don't have a car or else if they say they will they end up not! I hate it cuz everyones been doing it! If you don't think you can make it then dont say you will! The instructor can be a bit of an ass when ur driving with him & get on ur nerves but once the car is stopped & hes smiling & joking & stuff then hes not that bad...!! I won't pass on Tuesday & it no biggie cuz like I said I didn't get any practice. Besides driving out of a driveway with Dan those were the only time I actually got to drive. Hmmm.. what else?

Oh guess what Michael DIDN'T call me back. *gasp* Oh what a bloody surprise that happened & he didn't even e-mail me back yet! Shocker there... everyone does that to me. When I say I will call someone later I will & if you want me to call @ a certain time then the latest I will call is half an hour. But I WILL end up calling. I swear don't trust people these days...they say they will do something & the don't. Whatever..

Oh & I only have one job now. I am just at Boston Pizza now...its more money with two jobs but easier with just one & they can put me on whatever they need me for instead of just nite or days.

Ummm nothing else new. I want a kitten soooo bad rite now but thats not going to happen until I move out...! I will actually take my cat Star from my sister & Lance cuz I love my fat cat! :) She's fifteen & I want to see her as much as I can before her time comes.

Happy Birthday Deanna if you get this & I hope u got my card I sent you! We don't talk anymore but I still think of you!

Fat ||Thin