why being single can be better than taken
2003-08-30 || 2:14 p.m.

Being single actually isnt that bad. I mean its cool to have a man tell you that they love you & to hold you in there arms & stuff but then there is so much annoying things having a man can do. Like when I was with James I was always feeling guilty if I ever went to see strippers & worrying if he is ever cheating on me. There were a few other things i cant remember rite now...typical me too forget. But yah you wont have to worry about them making you feel like shit & get all mopy & depressed around everyone when they do bad things to you. Oh I rememebr what another thing is..they sometimes make you stop hanging around your friends & family more cuz u want to spend all your days with HIM thats how I was with James. I stopped calling friends & hanging out with them & stuff cuz of him!

Haha me & Matt were talking last nite & he told me that he played baseball with her for awhile & that she had to bring her own helmet with her cuz she had LICE! I alsmot laughed when he said that becoz of what James would be like if found out she had lice[if she still does]& shes been sleeping in his bed with him!! I know its mean but I am being honest & hey if she wants to be a bitch to me then I will be a bitch to her cuz I wont be surprised if she talks about me behind my back to James or anyone!! I should call James & tell him that she may have lice but thats not me to do that plus he would only think that I am trying to break them up cuz I am "obsessed" with him. Yah whatever...

theres nothing else to say rite now so I will stop boring you...

Fat ||Thin