Updating again
2003-09-05 || 3:15 p.m.

Is there anyone here that lives in a dorm? I so want to go to college & live in a dorm when I am there cuz it looks soo fun for some reason! Shows like "Undergrads" & whatever else has dorms in it makes me want to live in a dorm! I know I wouldnt get away from sick pervs there becuz that is where alot of date rapes happen but I at least would get away from the ones HERE. Please let me know what its like living in a dorm!

I told my mom that she shouldnt be with someone who is already taken PLUS makes a move on her daughter but she just got mad. Yes she still wants to see him. I wish she wouldnt but what can I do?! I will just have to be careful around him & tell him I don't need a "backrub". Whatever...its her life but I for one would break up with someone who made a move on a family member or friend when we were together still. I mean how many girls does this girl want!? Geez...

I am not mad at Shanna anymore. Shes been alot better lately since Monday so I am okay with her now. I think the reason I was so pissed off was becuz of what happened the nite before & everything then she goes & bitches at me.

Nothing else new with me. I just felt like updating again since I can. Hopefully I will have more to say later!

Fat ||Thin