My mom knows..
2003-09-08 || 11:15 a.m.

I did it. I told my mom what happened yesterday morning. Shes not as mad as I thought she would be even if shes more mad at me than him. She still wants him around & everything soo....I think I might move back to Edmonton with one of my sisters in Southgate. I miss Edmonton anyway & as long as he is in the picture I dont want to be around my mom. No offense to her or anything but really...what is the point of me staying if he is going to be there all the time? So yep Janina & Anais I took ur advice & told my mom!

I would really like to just save my money until Spring & then move out on my own then instead of quitting BPs already & finding another job & stuff. It all depends on how things go with tha perv & stuff. Whatever... that dingus... :(

Fat ||Thin