Obsessed or not?
2004-09-09 || 1:22 p.m.

I'm not sure what to think of Carl anymore. He's doing things that make me think he's obsessed. Well my sisters & friends think he's becoming obsessed with me becoz of these things. I will tell u what he did...

~Last Friday he met me at my school becuz we both get off at the same time[well he works downtown not to far from my school & we get off around the same time]& I didn't see him but he told me he came to my classroom to see if I was still in there & just watched me through the window thinking of how cute & sexy I was sitting in my desk.

~Today he kept calling me every few minutes & leaving me messages on my cell phone. He called like 5 or 6 times about until I answered.

~He wants to see me every chance we get & sounds kind of upset if we can't.<---that doesn't sound TOO bad becuz when people like each other they always want to see each other rite?

But I don't notice these kinds of things but my sisters & friend both say that especially the first one is obsessive. Would it freak anyone else out? If I saw him I probably would of jumped becuz i wouldn't expect him to be there.

Let me know what you think of all this. I will keep hanging around him for now but if noticable things start happening then I will give him the big heave ho...

Fat ||Thin