Why cant I keep my friends?
2004-09-10 || 1:01 p.m.

I feel like I am going to puke any second. Thats becuz I am hungover. No headaches or anything like that. Just nausea & lightheaded. Carl took me out last nite & bought me a few drinks. Thats the first time he's ever paid for me too so at least he's doing that now!

Its Sept & it feels like its the beginning of November. I hate Alberta dammit! I wish we lived in BC. I want to say California or Florida or Texas but they all have weather like hurricanes, tornadoes & earthquakes[not that earthquake is weather]. One of my co-workers went to Florida not to long ago & she had to stay another week becuz of hurricane Frances. Now that Frances isn't there anymore stupid Ivan has to come along! I would hate to have hurricanes all the time. Does anyone know why they name the hurricanes like that? How come they don't name tornadoes or anything but they name all the hurricanes? I never knew why!! Not that its important.

Why is it that I can never keep my friends? Last nite two of my friends called me up on "three way"[when three people can talk on the phone at the same time]& just started BITCHING at me about Carl & how he's using me blah blah blah! I couldn't do much talking becuz they were both yipping & yapping at the same time & I hate that! I hate it when they put us on three way becuz everytime they do thats when they have some bitching to do to me. They're not so perfect either! One of them got knocked up by her bf Kevin at the time & then was kind of seeing Carl[whos 28] at the same time[cheating on Kevin who is 32]at age 19 & the other one just whines & whines about how much her life sucks & doesn't do anything about it. She just mopes around & does nothing. They shouldnt be bitching at me for anything! Carl is the only person that doesnt bitch to me about ANYTHING. I can remember every one of my friends bitching at me for something. Actually my friend Allison who I knew since the first year of high school doesnt bitch at me either so at least I have another true friend. But I also feel bad becuz its like everytime I meet a guy I like & we hang out or whatever I never make time for my other friends. I noticed that I havent seen any of my friends in the longest time or talked to them on the phone. Theyre like "You never call us" but yet at the same time they can call ME. Why should I have to call them but they dont call me? Whatever....I need to get a backbone & stop taking shit from people. Thats for sure. I may get my chance tonite! :) Theres this chick at Brewsters who is a busser like me & Ive been there longer than her. She comes along & starts telling me to stop running food, stop seating people, go do this, go do that...blah blah blah. She told me to stop slacking off one nite when I DONT. Actually not to sound like I am bragging or anything but all the staff there[including management]think I am the best busser[not that its a hard job]there & one of the MANAGERS gave me permission to tell this girl to fuck off the next time she says something! I was like "Well okay!" Hopefully I get that chance tonite & dont chicken out & say "Ok" if she tells me to do something. One day though I will shock everyone by speaking my mind to someone without saying sorry!! :) I cant wait for that day!

Fat ||Thin