Baby coming!!
2005-02-28 || 2:02 a.m.

Having no computer really sucks. You cant check e-mails, update your diary or anything. Well alot has actually happened since I last wrote in here. Like school got fucked up so I am not in semester two like I should be becuz of alot of reasons which I am so sick of repeating to everyone so will not be done.
The newest thing that happened to me is that I am now pregnant! I just found out that on Friday the 25th of Feb. Telling the father[Carl]didnt turn out too bad becuz hes actually crying happy tears & feeling my tummy all the time! I was so scared to tell him. At first I was upset about being pregnant but two/three days later its actually not too bad. I have an appointment tomorrow to take another test at a clinic but more than likely I am. I cant wait to hear the heartbeat, name the baby, the babyshower, feeling it kick...anyone who went thru pregnancy should no!
I want to name him Nicholas Joseph for a boy & not sure about a girl. But I got to go..."mommy" has to go to bed for her appointment tomorrow! :) I actually like saying that!

Fat ||Thin