Baby update!
2005-06-13 || 1:46 p.m.

I finally got a chance to update again! Nothing too new with me. Baby is doing fine..I am still not sure if its a boy or girl but whatever he/she is I am happy & its healthy! Kicking has started on May 22nd so thats cool. I havent made myself sick since I found out & I am not starving myself so thats going well. I am really nervous about being a mom but people say I will do okay. I have a doctor appoinment at 2:45 today so I will know what is up with the baby these days. My only problem is that I still smoke & I am 23 weeks tomorrow!! Its sooo hard for me to quit w/o getting light headed by the end of the day. Is that a withdrawl symptom?! What else?? Not much else new. Did I mention that TWO guys could be the father!? If not then I just did. Carl is one guy & one of my co-workers[or ex co-workers]is another who it could be. Pretty sad huh? Well nothing else new...I really need a computer at home! Ciao for now.

Fat ||Thin