Moms annoying boyfriend
2005-09-01 || 8:01 p.m.

I forgot how much living at home sucks...! It wouldnt be so bad if it was at least just my mom & not her boyfriend too. Hes the best of all of the guys shes dated since my dad but he still has his annoying days. I hate how just becuz they are dating my mom they think they can tell her daughter what to do. Like this guy made this rule that I cant go out after dark...not even to the store which is not even 5 minutes away. Oh & how in the winter when it gets dark at 4 or 5pm I have to be back in the house by then! He even tells me when & what to eat pretty much...bitching that food always goes to waste & he doesnt even eat it himself! He keeps lettuce in the frige until its brown & slimy & STILL says to eat it. Even this bagel that was overdue by August 11 & still made me eat it two weeks later!! Plus his little annoying habits like letting out big burps every few minutes & not even flushing the toilet when he pees. He has his good days too like when we sit on the balcony & talk about whatever but more the annoying things these days. I wish my mom would live on her own & just invite him over whenever he wants like she used to. Now I cant say anything about him without being risked getting kicked out. Grrrr I hate being annoyed with people but I cant help it some of the time. I miss Edmonton..I miss being able to do whatever I want...I miss working...I even miss Carl believe it or not & wish he was the way he used to be before he met that B****! And also before he did all that "bringing that girl home..." crap he did before. I cant wait to move out & be able to do what I want more except for when I have the baby around. I have a feeling they are going to try to tell me what to do with my son/daughter when I have the baby. I am done bitching for now but will be back with more when I need to.

Fat ||Thin