2007-01-26 || 10:32 p.m.

Hey I forgot my usual new years resolutions! I usually list them every year! Well they are pretty much the same as usual. I was reading my entries from years ago and even though they were always about my job and James at least i had something to write about. I mean I SHOULD have stuff to write about all the time since I like this Dan guy now, I have Sarah to write about and 7-11. But I dont know WHAT to write anymore. I kind of miss my old life cuz there isnt much to write about when you go to work and come home everyday but I love Sarah and DONT regret having her and am definitely glad i decided to keep her instead of giving her up for adoption even though i know there are alot of families out there who cant have kids and really want them.

Sarahs been having more temper tantrums lately and today was pretty bad. Even my mom yelled at her to stop it and she NEVER yells at her Sarah. But when shes happy...awww its so cute! She dances to music, she understands diffenret questions, she hugs us now and shes usually sooo happy but she is only human and has her days rite? Now to get her to sleep thru the nite...

As for Dan...I havent kissed him since last summer...he works lots and i dont get out very much so how is there a chance to see him? Hes come into sev alot last weekend and hes always so smiley when he comes in :) But hes smiley when he sees everyone he knows so i dunno whats going on with that.

My job...i almost got fired a few weeks ago for not IDing ppl like i should be but ive been getting better at that even though i ID people I thought i remembered IDing before so now that i know they are legal to buy smokes and stuff i will definitely stop :)

Im not sure if I mentioned seeing James and Andrea at sev a few months ago? Usually i would write about something like that the day or the day after i see them...shows how much interest i lost in them. Yah now i like a younger much better isnt it? *sarcasm* But we just asked how it was going and stuff and i didnt feel a single butterfly or anything.
But i gotta go save this before the phone jack falls out and i lose connecton to the internet like its been doing all day lol...

Fat ||Thin