2007-09-14 || 11:02 p.m.

well i am finally doing it. Finally moving out with just Sarah!! It took a bit over 2 years and its gonna cost a fortune but with a little help from Capital Housing I think i can do it..!!! I am waay too excited! I get a bathroom in my bedroom as far as i know and an upstairs[i like 2 floor apt]and just think....being home alone i dont have to worry bout tip toeing around trying to be quiet for my mom who works early in the morning. Instead of always going on the computer at nite I am going to watch more movies, play my nintendo, practice playing my guitar[well my mom has one she doesnt use and is giving it to me], try to go back to my drawing and song writing i used to be into. I cant do any of that during the day with Sarah around cuz everytime i want to draw or write she takes the pen away and starts drawing herself lol... thats okay tho she comes first! :) But yah no more bars WOOHOO!! I dont mind the bars but i would rather invite a few friends over, play nintendo, watch movies and stuff and have a few drinks here and there then go out and spend a fortune at the bar. Just gotta remember to be quiet for Sarah. Just thinking of all the freedom i will get more once i move since mom and tim are getting their own house or apt or whatever. And i can say "Lets have christmas at MY house" instead of "OUR house" ANND i can invite my dad over, Allison, Jess, Lisa and whoever else without worrrying what Tim is gonna say! I hate having to worry. I think i will have more of a life than usual this way..except im not going out to the bars. We will see what happens i guess. I would still like to go out to the bar for karaoke cuz i CANT do THAT at my house lol.
Sarahs been doing awesome lately. Talking lots, dancing and singing to her songs, giving me hugs and crying when i leave, calling me momma AND NEE lol its soooo cute! Shes gonna be effin 2 next month on the 5th! Time goes by soo fast when you have a kid!!
Ummm what else? Im planning on finding a job not too long after moving. Problem is they are already short staffed and the new girls they hired who knows how long theyll last? But I wanna find a better job cuz i am sick of this one and plus i wanna make a better wage not that 10.85 is bad. But i wanna try to do this on my own. Without capital housing helping out.
Hmmm....I would LIKE to be able to put Sarah in day care. That would be awesome for EVERYONE. I can work for more money and get the day over with, Sarah can meet new kids and learn to make friends and my mom will have SOOOOO much more time for herself. But we will have to wait for awile i think. I also wanna go back to school and also get my liscense btu the liscense part wont happen for awhile for sure and not too sure about school anytime soon.
Man wise I havent found anyone i liked lately. I barely see Dan anymore so im not sure whats going on with him. Working lots i guess???
Hmmm that looks long enough. Forget all those other entries i said were the "longest entry ever" cuz this is probably the longest ive awhile anyway....

Fat ||Thin