funeral :(
2008-01-08 || 1:43 a.m.

I didnt know how sad a funeral for someone you didnt really know could make you. A well knwon guy in Fort Saskatchewan named Errol committed suicide on Xmas day or eve i cant remember. His funeral was today. I wasnt gonna go but alot of his friends thought it would be cool for me to show up and i think its nice of them to say that even tho i didnt really know Errol besides seeing him at sev and at the bar a few times. He was a nice kid as far as i knew. And from all the people there today he was a popular guy. So i am all drained out from the funeral and then working rite after til 11:30.
And the surgery thing didnt happen. i dont need surgery so thats cool. i will slowly be going back to normal by 6 weeks :)
Meh nothing else new. im tired so im going to bed.

Fat ||Thin