My online "friend"...! ;)
2003-02-18 || 12:58 p.m.

Awww I just talked to this really sweet guy named Blake online! He seems like someone that alot of girls would want to date becoz of how sweet he is & hes one of those people who are into everything & likes to live life to its fullest! :) We like each other it seems but I am going to wait to meet him in person just to see how my stomach feels those butterfly feelings in the stomach..!! But were going to be friends for sure becoz he lives in Edmonton & drives so what chances are there that we WONT meet?? Hes into sooo much & is willing to help me out with my eating disorder & stuff!! What a sweetie! Hes 31 but who gives a crap? Age doesnt matter too much does it? Well if it was a 45 year old maybe but not if hes 10 years older...well i didnt really think of being with anyone 10 years older but hes an exception becoz of his sweetness & well he seems like so much of a better person than *J* becoz of how he treats women & his likes & stuff{Im talking about Blake]! *J* isnt a bad person at all but just how his games seem to come first & stuff...I dunno. I hope Blake makes me forget about *J* in that way & if me & *J* ever do become friends then I wont have to miss him again. I will definitely let you know if I ever meet up with Blake or anything like that okay? Awww this is cool even if we do just end up being friends coz hes still sweet & seems fun! :) I hope everything he wants in life he gets!

Fat ||Thin