James & I...no more...
2002-11-29 || 12:03 p.m.

Sorry I haven't written in here since the end of October...!! I was really busy & tired & stuff & didn't have anything to write about when I could of...but now I do...

Sadly to say...James broke up with me last nite. He said it was becoz we don't have anything in common & that he couldn't see us in together in the future. He was sooo sweet about it & held me in his arms when I was crying my eyes off...& for the first time ever I saw tears in his eyes...!! So he obviously felt really bad so at least he was totally sweet about it...but still I still had strong feelings for him & this happened. I am not mad at him at all...not a bit...its just that this is my first break up & it feels like I've been stabbed in the chest or I feel totally empty inside. We're still going to be friends though at least so its not the worst but I still feel so devastated rite now...even if peopel were telling me to break up with him for along time! I'm going to miss the kissing & cuddling parts. I'll tell you this...I don't think I'm going to be dating anyone for a long long time!! Neither is he he said! He's still special to me & everything but still... After awhile I think I will be okay.

Also...I don't know what happened but after I started taking my pills normally again I haven't puked up my food or thought about my weight...hmmm am I recovered or is that stupid to think that?? I don't know...its obviously a good thing...even though I'd still like to lose weight.

But sorry this is so short but I'm tired & sad coz we had a rough nite last nite & didn't sleep until like 5 or something...so I will try to write in here soon.

Fat ||Thin