I wish I would of burned...
2002-06-12 || 2:11 p.m.


I wish that I could believe that alot of people care too much about me to want to watch me starve myself or puke myself to death but all i care about is losing those pounds...on Sunday June 8 I believe? Or the 9th...whatever I went shopping for new make up, hair styling products & cloths with two friends from Denny's...I ended up spending $357[yikes]but it was worth it! I actually felt pretty & cared about for that one day especially. They streaked my hair & Kristin did an awesome job on my my make up & everything!! They did all this to make me feel prettier & everything...& it worked!

But once the make up comes off & my hair goes flat again...I feel ugly & uncared about for some reason. Then i put the make up on...yuck. boring. plain... :p

Last nite I went to a bonfire with James & his best friends Melinda & Keith[at their house in Devon]& a couple of other people & I felt so boring. Surprisingly they didnt mention Warhammer much! But when they did guess WHO brought it up? Yep...James...surprise!

i couldn't stop staring at the fire for some reason & tried to be as close to it as I could. I didn't care if I got caught on fire...I kind of wish I would of. But at least I'm smart enough to not want them to have to live through seeing me burn to death...!

What else to say!? Nothing much really. My life is as boring as hell so theres nothing to talk about....so I will now say adios & hope that theres something worth talking about next time....!!

Fat ||Thin