Again nothing but boring crappy nothing talk about whatever....
2002-02-25 || 8:21 p.m.

~*~*Dear Diary*~*~

Happy 23rd Birthday Allison! I hope you have fun in New Brunswick in May when you go see your sis & your nephew! =) Allison is my friend from Fort Saskatchewan who I never get to see anymore. Shes just like me...shes quiet & she still never had a I'm glad I am not alone anymore[not that I am]but i know someone else who doesn't have a bf or liscense/learners. Ive known her for about 4 or 5 years[beginning of high school]. I think I talked about her a few times[the one who saw the cop shoot himself in the head in May or June...*shutters* it still freaks me out...].

Whats the point of being nice & doing everything for people? Yah they like you for it but thats why they do. You will do anything for these people & they think "Well he/she will do this for me & not expect me to do anything back" I really should stop that becoz I want to see how many people stop liking me becoz i am saying "no" & not doing what they say.

I dunno...I wish I had more to say then I usually do but I didn't write in here for weeks & still there's nothing to talk about then what I normally talk boyfriend...!!!

Okay you want to know whats happening with him!? I wasn't going to talk about him but I guess there isn't much to talk about anyway. I will say that Valentines Day sucked! I asked him a few days before what he was doing Valentines Day & he said he had plans. I was like okay no biggie maybe he's planning something for could happen rite? Sooo...Thursday the 14th came & I made him his rice krispie square heart, bought him a stuffed bear & the day before a "fire & ice" rose[his fave]& brought it to Dennys...he came in & his facial hair was gone & I remembered that smooth face from before we were dating =) He didn't have anything for me though...what happened that whole day was our dad came over[which was kewl!!]& my sister was watching music requests...I couldnt watch them becoz of how people were getting requests from their loved ones instead I went upstairs to cry about it...!! We went to Sherwood Park to Wal-Mart for something dad needed & all I could do was find something I wanted to get for James...!! He took us to Wendys after...pretty blah if I say so myself! Then he took us to Sherwood Park mall where I found the bear then he took us home & then he left. I took the bear & everything to Dennys. He didn't have anything for me that nite & I got pretty behind on dishes that nite too which was pretty bad. Especially for a Thursday nite.

We ended up spending the weekend together though & I must admit...I am not a virgin anymore! Thats all I will say about that. I wish I didnt sleep with him though becoz like my friend said if I break up with him then I mite get hurt from it even more. I told him how I feel though like last week & got everything out. But its not too exciting to talk about so I am going to go. I dont know what to say...Im so boring & stuff thats why I never write in here anymore. But i wanted yall to know whats happening in my boring little life. Blaaahhhh....

~*~*Luv Alwayz Renee-Anne*~*~

Fat ||Thin