So much for not caring about James!
2001-07-18 || 8:42 a.m.

~*~*Dear Diary*~*~

Everything I said about not caring for him anymore...FORGET ABOUT WHAT I SAID COZ I LIED!!! I still really like him! I talked to him way more than the last few weeks last night! I was outside becoz I was bored becoz it gets slow & I was all caught up on the dishes & he came out to smoke. We talked about his he is glad to be a server & things like that...! He keeps making this cute face where he bites his lip & he makes this cute snorting kind of noise & it sounds so cute! I am sorry but I cant help liking him. Hes just too cute! And maybe the reason why he never really helps with problems is becoz he wants to mind his own business...! That could be it but you never know. Why cant he be like Lance by REALLY caring? Another thing is that it always looks like he is STARING at me...! He just sits there & stares at me! He did that whenever we were silent. Sometimes it looked like he was going to ask me something but stopped himself! But I am probably just wishing. I think I talked to him alot more than I usually did today...! I asked him questions & stuff.

I cant help liking him...!

Lance is just like an older brother to us...or a dad even...! He acts like one to us by listening to us & caring about us...! I am 15 years younger than he is so he could almost be my dad...or a way older bro! Thats what I think of him as!

Well I got to go e-mail my friend & then do "nigh night"! =) I will tell you what else he does! =D But Thursday nite he wont be in =( Oh well theres alot of times he will be!

~*~*Luv Alwayz Renee-Anne*~*~

Fat ||Thin