Divide By Zero!
2001-06-10 || 1:54 a.m.

~*~*Dear Diary*~*~


Right now I am swooning over him...he is SO DAMN CUTE!!!! OMGOMGOMGOMG His band ROCKS!! He is the best thing about it though but it was kewl!! The lead singer is a girl but I am actually not thinking "bitch" or anything! She seems nice & I was going to talk to her but couldnt find her after so....! But even though the drums & everything were really loud I didnt mind it! Not at all!!

I was probably blushing red becoz the whole time i was watching them perform I was thinking of me & him making out!! I couldnt help it...he looked so yummy up there & he smiled at me twice! Awwww he is such a cutie pie!! =D Why cant he ask me out?!?! It was weird...a few guys started talking to me & this one guy was going to buy me a drink coz I looked lonely but awww too bad...JAMES was going to give me a ride home instead[*sarcasm* not that this guy was bad looking or anything but still...look who I am going home WITH =)]! It was boring sometimes too becoz James was rehearsing & talking to other friends & stuff & he was the only person I knew there & other people from Dennys were supposed to come but I was the only one! I was standing by myself & people were giving me dirty looks & I was like "Okay whats YOUR problem?" I think they probably thought of me as a freak or something becoz everyone there was like dressed in alot of black & punk rocker kind of clothes & then there was me in blue jeans & a shirt that says "Angel" on it...but who gives a fuck? I am not going to think "you guys are freaks" becoz of the way they are dressed becoz I dont mind people dressing that way but why think of me as someone different becoz I am dressed differently then them?! Oh well whatever....! I told him that I really loved the band & everything & he laughed & sounded so cutesie!! =)

Well I know that i am not going to bother thinking he likes me becoz he does the same thing to other girls too like I said before. Plus I am soooo boring & he probably likes the more talkative girlz which I am not!! I think I bored him & made him leave for awhile...!

Well I am going to go now & dream about getting him for a boyfriend!! =) He is so cute & everything & I really wish he would ask me out but I am too quiet & maybe he WANTS to ask me out for all I know but thinks "No she will be so boring!" I dont know....! Well bye!

~*~*Luv Alwayz Renee-Anne*~*~

Fat ||Thin