I don't know how I feel!!
2002-09-17 || 3:33 p.m.

I don't know if I should be happy or upset rite now! One of the managers came back after being gone for a month & said I look good & that I was too skinny before. Should I be happy he said I looked better or upset coz I noticibaly gained weight in about a month!?!? For someone who has an eating disorder & wants to lose weight I don't know how I feel....!!!

Another thing I'm confused about is that Lance & my sister totally cleaned out our room. It was sooo messy before but still...I don't know if I should be happy that it's cleaned up now or mad that they threw away stuff of mine? I have posters of celebrities that I've been saving since 91 or 92 & over that I have in boxes in my closet. Keri's been telling me to throw them out for years. I wouldn't & now she came to Denny's for her shift & she told me what they did & that they threw out my posters. Should I be happy that my room is clean & that I don't have to worry about being the one to throw them away or mad that they threw my stuff away!? I don't know....

Fat ||Thin