I hate them sooo much!
2002-05-22 || 10:59 a.m.

i dont think I told you guys enough timez how much I hate bullies, rapists, murderers, racists & people like that. I DESPISE them!!!

Murderers~People who end someones life just becoz theyre mad at them or even worse just becoz they feel like it so they pick someone off the street!

Rapists~people who make someone have sex with them becoz THEY want it & dont care how the other person feels. They dont care about how much that persons life will change & how scared they will be. I know someone who got raped...& she did not deserve it at all! I am pissed off at who did it!! =(

Bullies~those losers who dont have anything better to do so they call people names & beat them up...usually at school but I think of those people who yell things at people when they drive by in cars or walk by on the street as bullies too. They dont like themselves so they hurt others to make themselves feel better...obviously not caring about how the person feels or that they mite get depressed or eating disordered...even suicidal. Get a life dammit!!

Racists~People who beat up someone for being a different race & color & religion then them..coz god forbid they are different! Real mature there assholes.

Controlling/Abusive People~Those bastards who make their partner/kids/whatever do what they want them to do or they get "punished" by abusing them...I hate that!!

Have I ever told you just HOW MUCH I hate them!? They are a disgrace to the human kind & I will not cry if anything happens to them...not a tear. I will be like "Oh that bully got beaten to death? Hmmm...I guess someone finally got sick of him bullying them. Good for them" I want everyone of those people to have the worst life ever & I hope one day everything they did to someone happens to them & they get raped or beaten up to see how it feels. I have the problems I have BECOZ of bullies in school. Becoz they had nothing better to do than pick on me. I had friends turn to bullies before...someone who I was like a best friend to me..we were like sisters. Why did she not like me? Becoz someone new came along & changed her!!! Being teased hurts just as much as being stabbed would. Its very painful & its not fun to go through...especially if the bully is in your classes. SO everyone who used to pick on me...BURN IN HELL YOU FUCKING LOSERS!! All bad people shuold just die slow & painful dammit!!!! =( Thats all I have to say!

Fat ||Thin