What If I hurt someone??
2003-02-09 || 11:21 p.m.

Two of my worst fears are gaining alot of weight & going so totally nuts[pissed off/crazy]over anything that I end up attacking someone & hurting them. I'm scared that one day I might just snap if I am in a fight & hurt someone. I keep thinking about that happening...all day today I was. I even dreamed that my sister came to Dennys when I was there & we got into a fight & I was going to attack her with a knife[well I felt like it]. And I don't want to even feel that way. I would never hurt someone intentionally & purposely. If I did do something it would be like a split personality. But yah...Lance is rite. I can't even bitchslap someone let alone hurt them! Coz he was just reading what I was writing a few minutes ago & said that I can't even yell at someone let alone hurt them! So as nervous as I was that he read that...I'm glad he did & said what he said! But you never know...has anyone ever felt that way?

Fat ||Thin