Things I hate....!!!
2002-02-26 || 9:06 p.m.

~*~*Dear Diary*~*~

I wish there was somewhere on this planet that was free of bullying, crime & stupid people. Why is there so much bullying in schools, school violence or anything like that!? What kind of crap are kids parents teaching them these days like how to use guns & stuff? When I was in school I never heard about any shootings in school. Bullying yes coz I was bullied sooo much in school but never shootings.

I hate how people are made fun of or beat up for their looks & color. Like what does it matter how much fat there is on your body or how short you are or how dark your skin is? Everyone is different & everyone has feelings. I hate how it seems to be mostly white people who diss the black or chinese. I never hear much about the other way around. I dont even like it when people make jokes about me being too thin[or so they say I am]. I hate people talking about my weight & stuff all the makes me feel weird or something. I wish people would just stop talking behind your back especially if they are friends with them to their face. There are sooo many things i hate its not even funny. I hate winter, snobs, food, grease, washing dishes, slipping, rapists, murderers, bullies, death, computers that dont work, being bored, rude people, some bands, some movies, taking the bus all the time, not having a car, cabs starting at $2.50, racism, my hair, my looks, my body, being sensitive, hating myself, the people who helped make me feel the way I do about my body & looks, 11:00pm on nites i do late nite, having no life, having no friends, caring about my boyfriend so much, people who hate others, controlling people & sooo many other things...!!! But i cant say them all coz i have to go soon. But I dont think I ever told yall the things I hate before so I wanted to.

~*~*Luv Alwayz Renee-Anne*~*~

Fat ||Thin