2001-12-14 || 7:46 p.m.


No this isn't just for ANY man...becoz that would be rude for me to think all men are this way...but for you stupid rude men out there who have girlfriends!

When you ask a girl out or if she asks you out & you say YES...that means you want to be with her & care for her. If you end up going out with a girl & going steady with her...spend fricking TIME with her!! If she comes over then rent a movie with her & cuddle with her on the couch or go to a movie or something! Its okay to have an obsession with video games & stuff...even us girls have obsessions...but you don't have to play the game or talk about the game 24/7 or leave a party early to go play the game which you can do everynite especially if the party happens once a year! Your girlfriend mite want to stay there & have you with her! She can't tell you how long to stay & stuff but don't leave becoz of a game that you & your ROOMMATE can play EVERYNITE almost!

You ask a girl have to spend time with her & do things with her...& I DON'T MEAN SEX EITHER!!! I HATE YOU SEX CRAZED MEN who always want to see naked girls & stuff!! Here are some of the sweetest things I've heard of men doing for girls[& not ONLY girlfriends]...

~skip computer classes to buy her a rose & surprise her with it

~make sure everyone is treating her rite & that she is doing fine

~give her his jacket & gloves to make sure she is warm

~get flower delivering people to deliver flowers & a card saying how much he cares for her & surprising her when she comes home or whatever

~ditch a nite out with the guys becoz he wants to spend time with her

~invite her to spend thanksgiving with him & his family so shes not alone[ok ok James did this to me when we first started dating...I admit that he can be sweet!! =)]

So guys...I don't want to be rude or anythign but your girlfriend needs you & doesnt like when you leave her out so please just spend time with her okay?? Do something with her! That goes for any girl who treats her man like crap too! I am lecturing both man & women who does this!! So please don't be stupid & leave your girlfriend out okay? THANK YOU FOR LISTENING!!! =)

James if you ever see this...I like you SO much & I like being with you...I want to be with you for a long time & hope you feel the same way! I don't want to sound rude to you or anything but what I said was true...we need to do more together then make out & stuff...we can like go to a movie or something too or a party! Hey do I look like a partying girl? NO but only becoz Ive never been to one before! No ones asked me to go & I cant go by myself...maybe you know of a party?

Well thats all I need to say for good this time...REMEMBER GUYS & GIRLS TREAT YOUR MATE NORMALLY OKAY??? DON'T IGNORE THEM!!!

~*~*Luv ALwayz Renee-Anne*~*~

Fat ||Thin