2003-03-29 || 1:26 p.m.

I really don't know why people think its so bad to have extra skin on their body. Why people have to tease others becoz of it. Why people have to starve themselves or puke becoz of it. But then I should think before I speak. Since I am like that. Well I try to be but food has become so addicting more than not. I'm like ewww I can't believe its so addicting. Then I can't even purge becoz people are always around. I wish I could be stick thin w/o it being a bad thing. **sigh** that will never happen.

I'm bummed becoz I haven't seen *J* in two weeks & he hasn't even asked my sister how I am doing. The only time he seems to mention me is when he sees someone who he thinks is TINIER than he thinks I am...he just makes me feel fatter than he says I am. Whatever...its been four months today since we broke up. Why do I still give a rats ass about him? He's a jerk. I'm trying to think positive about everything by not likeing him. *J* sucks. Awww but I wish I wasn't lying when I said that! :( I just hope he didn't spend his birthday w/ *A* becoz when I was w/ him he spent it w/ his Warhammer buddies. So if he spent his b-day this year w/ her I don't wanna know!!

Hmmm...I got my learners on the day of his b-day...!! :) I think it would be kind of cool if nothing exciting happened w/ him on his b-day but w/ his ex[me]instead!! Haha its his birthday & he gets nothing & I get my learners.. ha!! :) I don't really have anyone who can teach me to drive rite now...which sucks. Anyway I have to get my liscence by May 20th or I can't get it for another 3 years. Some rules the gov't made up...blah.

Well I will write later I got to go take my sis out...but will be back later!

Fat ||Thin