2 years since the Columbine High School shooting...!
2001-04-20 || 8:37 p.m.

I wasnt going to write in the diary tonight but I wanted to say that today is exactly 2 years since the Columbine High Shooting happened in Littleton Colorado. I was depressed for awhile by that & was alwayz talking about it. I feel bad for the families & friends of the victims who died. they didnt deserve it. If those guyz shot everyone becoz they were being mean to them...thats dumb becoz at least they had each other for friends.

I was listening to a CD single my friend got me for my birthday. It is "Im Your Angel" by R Kelly & Celine Dion[Im not sure if I said this already]& she said before that when she hears the song she thinks of our friendship. Awww isnt that sweet? Then I go & ruin it. It makes me cry now becoz I lost a really sweet friend. I was dumb for even thinking she was concieted just becoz she thinks she looks good!!! But its kind of a good thing she knows now even though she was upset by it so I am actually kind of glad that girl told her about it. Now she knows what kind of "FRIEND" she had...well anyway I got to go. I still feel so bad for hurting her...sigh....

Fat ||Thin