I lost a kewl friend...!
2001-04-16 || 8:45 p.m.

Never trust people...it might ruin your friendship with someone. Both me & my friend know that. I had this e-mail friend once & I was upset about someone..well probably more jealous then anything & when I am jealous of someone I kind of talk rudely. I was dumb & told her it was a different name. I know it sounds bad but I dont know...well she said she wouldnt tell anything I told her but today she did...after she said she WOULDNT at first!!! I dont blame my friend for not trusting me anymore becoz of everything that happened. I said all that like months ago & havent thought that about her since...after i thought I was wrong for even thinking she was concieted & everything becoz she is really sweet & just has high self esteem & theres nothing wrong with that. But its too late now becoz I blew my chance to stay friends with her. Maybe my e-mail friend was right though...it was better for her to know the truth...but I wish I would of told her myself instead of finding out that way. Maybe she IS a better friend than I am becoz she probably wouldnt do anything like that behind her friends back. But i am mad becoz she told something she said wouldnt. As much as I will miss my friend....I am going to leave her alone & be happy. I will keep everything she gave me & remember all the times we talked on the phone & the times I went to her house...but thats it. So as pissed as I am at my e-mail friend for telling my friend what I said[she made it alot worse than it seems though becoz I dont remember calling her a bitch]I am kind of glad she knows the truth now...but like I said before I wish I would of told her first. Well I got to go becoz I am sad right now. Weve been through sooo much & shes been there for me way more then I have ever been there for her & it makes me sad to know that I hurt her.

Fat ||Thin