I ThinkI am In Love!
2001-04-05 || 8:00 a.m.

OMG...sigh...I think I found love!! Well not exactly but everytime I see James I feel happy inside even when I am upset! Today I saw him but he talked to everyone BUT me practically it seems like but still I feel in love with him. I was talking to this girl named Katrina about him & shes all happy that I like him! I remember when he put his arm around me on Sunday...sigh...! I dont get the same shift as him until Friday though..rats! =) Then theres my sister who is drooling over a GAY yet cute guy! But yeah I think I am in love with James!

God my sister is probably telling people things about me! She always says she tells people things...like last night she said she "forgot" to tell Lance that I had to go home early coz I was dizzy! LIke what does he care if I do? What does anyone care?! I wish she would just keep things just between us especially ones like that...there is a reason I was dizzy which I wont say.

Everyone was annoying last night & they all seemed to be annoyed with me in a way. It was sooooooooo slow too!! WHOLLY CRAP! One host there has a disease & I feel bad for him & one girl Jillian & James were fighting...I got called ugly when I was waiting for my bus...my sister & I were kind of fighting right before I left...I was in a bad mood already so of course I was kind of upset/annoyed there! Oh well. Keri says she doesnt talk about me bad but how do I know that???

Well I got to go...bye!

Fat ||Thin