I miss James...!
2001-04-18 || 9:08 p.m.

My feet are so sore right now. Me & my sister were gone all day becoz we are trying to find a new apartment closer to Dennys. But god I cant wait to move APART...I am just staying with her long enough to save money to move out on my own. Also I want a different job but then I wont see James as much! But we didnt find anything yet but we will keep trying to find one. What else to say?! I dont really know. I miss James already & I cant wait until Friday night coz thats when I will see him again! I hope he talks to me more...maybe I will talk to him first this time. My friend is really hurting from what I said about her. I feel bad for her becoz shes been crying alot becoz of it. I kind of wish that girl didnt tell her what I said but at least she knows now. I know how she feels from being called all those names becoz she really trusted me & we talked on the phone, I went to her house a few times & we e-mailed back & forth alot & now she finds out what I said about her a few months ago...probably like in Feb. That would suck for someone to find out a close friend said things about them...I wish I could erase all the bad thingz that happened with us but since we cant...I think it would be better if we werent friends ever again...she would be so happy without me & if we stayed friends then everytime she saw me she would remember what I did. Well I got to go. Bye...

Fat ||Thin