Mumbo jumbo....!
2002-01-13 || 9:03 a.m.

~*~*Dear Diary*~*~

Last nite was...not so bad actually especially for a Saturday nite with me by myself instead of another server assistant...! I keep remembering that I might be the only one left but at least I get all the tip out for the nite!! =D The S.A/cook that was on with me got pissed off & walked out so he is out of here! Dammit that mite make me on 7 dayz a week but it means I will make money rite!? =)

Two friends from school came to Dennys last nite...! I havent seen them since my its been months! They are the same friends that I went to West Ed with for my birthday[on my very first entry you will know more about it]! I introduced them to James & they think hes cute! =)

I have been getting the urge to do things to myself again...things like cutting my wrists & stuff. I just get the urge to do it for no reason becoz I can tell alot of people care about me & I dont want to hurt them...I wish there was a way I could hurt myself without hurting others that care! Man i wish I could see my friend Dee more often becoz were sooo close on e-mails & we only talked in person like twice...the rest in e-mails & once in awhile letters or on the phone...we have so much in common especially from liking the same music & were both suffering from eating disorders & depression...! So we both know what its like to be like that. We try to be there for each other as much as we can through e-mail like if one of us is upset we will talk to the other & say its going to be okay & stuff...

Hmmm...what else to say!? I am not sure. I am going to be home by myself for a few days becoz my sister Keri is going to Fort Saskatchewan for a few days becoz she has 10 days off...what a lucky girl! I am hoping James will be a nice guy & let me stay with him for a day at least! =) I think for now I will just forget all the ignoring & stuff he did...becoz I know that the things he did...there are worse guys out there...ones who force there girlfriends to have sex, beat them up & call them horrible names! James wouldnt do that...especially since he knows that i am very sensitive & that the rest of Dennys would kick his ass!! >:)

Well I got to go...I have to sleep for awhile becoz I am tired! So maybe tonite or tomorrow I will write more...! Bye!

~*~*Luv Alwayz Renee-Anne*~*~

Fat ||Thin