Nothing goes my way...
2001-08-17 || 7:45 p.m.

~*~*Dear Diary*~*~

You know when people always say to think positive? Well I dont believe in that crap anymore....! It NEVER ends up the way I want...EVER!! I was so happy on Wednesday & yesterday becoz the manager told me that I was going to start hostessing in a week! Guess what? The new Server Assitant didnt show up! I cant hostess if there is only one S.A! It wont happen if there arent two other S.As on. How come everytime I am happy something ruins it!? Fucking everything! Plus I never get the guys I like or ANY guy for that matter! No one really calls me pretty or cute! Nothing ever works out!!! Im surprised we got the apartment...thats weird!! Why couldnt she show up!?

Today I was feeling sick, tired & also upset from the hostessing thing. The manager didnt say anything yet about not hostessing but its obvious I wont get to becoz I cant be a hostess if Hilarie is the only late nite S.A on.

=( I cried of course becoz nothing ever ends up my way. Im not some spoiled little bitch who wants everything her way becoz its different for me since nothing ever goes my way but I want to get out of this dirty stinky job I am in now & its going to be hard for finding another person to take my spot. I know your saying "Find another job then" but its not as easy as it seems. Its so hard even though its Edmonton plus I need the money!! God it sucks becoz I hate my job but cant quit!! Grrr life sucks.

~*~*Luv Alwayz Renee-Anne*~*~

Fat ||Thin