A Dennysless day...finally!!
2001-09-25 || 3:09 p.m.

~*~*Dear Diary*~*~

Woohoo I have one day Dennyz free!!! I would rather have more than that but whatever they can give me is fine coz I am sick of that store!! I have registration formz for Grant McEwan college but there is all these thingz I have to do first they told me...*sigh* it suckz!! And the fricking doctorz wouldnt let me do a blood test coz I dont have a docz note or anything!!! What if I have fricking disease? Do they want me to get the disaster victimz sick??

I am still alwayz have James on the brain. He is everything I want in a guy!! Not only is he cute...but he is soooo sweet...he doesnt have a temper...he lovez to hug & stuff...& he is like a teddy bear!!! He is all that & actually isnt gay! Most of the cute nice guyz end up being gay!!

Sometimes I feel lucky...! I have the nicest friends[hi Deanna!!]& I am so lucky to have someone like James in my life even if we arent dating...yet[I hope]!!! I love it when he is alwayz hugging me & he has to hug me before I go back inside when I am outside with him while he smokez! Awwww!! =)

Well I am bored out of my little mind so I have nothing else to say...! I hope that I save someones life with my blood coz if I ever know that the person I gave my blood to dies anyway...I will be pissed off at the doctorz for not taking my blood test! I need to know if I have any diseases or anything!!

Well I got to go...goodbye & good luck to anyone who deservez luck!! =)

~*~*Luv Alwayz Renee-Anne*~*~

Fat ||Thin