Some people suck!
2001-03-28 || 01:14 a.m.

The last few dayz have been okay I guess. I haven't been as tired as I was after the second day of my job. I was feeling really sore, tired & weak. I even called my friend & ended up crying on the phone & got her all worried! Shes so nice to care about me. =)

On the third day I got to be a hostess! Thats the job I was hoping for too but I am still an SA..BLAH. I got soooo frustrated that day becoz I felt dumb becoz I had to ask where some of the things were over & over again but the servers were kewl with it. I ended up crying & Tara, Kristin & Phil all talked to me about it.

Then later on that same night these three drunk men came in. I went up to them & asked if it was for five people becoz I saw five of them & one of thems like "FIve? Do you see double of me?" & mumbled something about breasts but i couldn't tell exactly coz he was like all mumbling. Then he put his hand on my shoulder & moved it up slowly & I pulled away & went to where Gonzolo & Graeme were & I was upset & told them that I didn't want anything to do with them. Graeme said I could go get some water & that he would do the coffee rounds for me. He & everyone is so nice. But the job is boring & I hate washing dishes. I love hostessing but men like that really scare me & I make everything seem like a bigger deal then it is. Like that man touching me...I shouldn't of got so upset becoz it was my shoulder he touched not anything else but it freaks me out when people do that. Like last year in May I was meeting my sister at like 11 pm & this man on a bike rided around me a few times & then touched my butt & I got so upset & scared! It freaked me out sooo much & it still freaks me out to get touched in anyway like that. I am getting a bit emotional right now becoz of how some people are these days. Why are people like that? Why do people have to touch others or rape them? What about what the other person wants? Why is it only up to the person who touches the other? It makes me so sad & upset.

James was doing a double on Sunday but I didn't say much to him. Becoz i was doing the dishes in the back. He looks like a Ste McNally[BBMak] & Billy Cudrup[actor] a way anyway. I saw Lance though the time I did the hosting. It wasn't until after my shift was over. I had to wait for an hour becoz the bus i wanted wasn't coming for another hour & I talked to him & he asked how it was & everything. Then my sister got money out for a cab ride for me to go home & Lance was pretending to cry like a baby becoz I was all sore! LOL he wasn't being rude though he was only kidding! I wish I could talk to both Lance & James alot more than I do! Even though Lance likes men & everything..not girls...he's still a nice person!

I didn't get BSB tickets on Saturday. It sucks but I'm living. I want to go though!! I love those guys!!! I am happy for my friend though coz she got 2nd row tickets!!! LUCKY LUCKY LUCKY!!

Speaking of my friend I am going to sleep over at her house tomorrow night! We are going to meet in the afternoon at 4 & then we are going to talk, watch movies & stuff! I am so glad I have a few days off becoz now I can sleep normally again instead of most of the day!! This job is really screwing me up! Well not really but I don't know. I don't really want to spend 8 hours of my day washing dishes & another 8 sleeping!!

Well I got to go. I am sorry I can't write in here as much anymore! Bye!

Fat ||Thin