I am bored...nothing is new...oh well what can you do? lol I ryhmed!
2001-12-15 || 4:27 p.m.

~*~*Dear Diary*~*~

Here I am once again...bored...alone...well not alone but I had to say that lol. James is awake now & he is painting his Warhammer figurines[or whatever]..big surprise huh!? Hes a cutie though! But I am bored but feel like writing in my diary....not about him though becoz he mite come in & see me writing about him.

Hmmmm what else though? Nothing new is really happening in my life besides him...I am on the schedule for CHristmas Eve & I am upset about that. I never see my mom much & I want to go see her for Christmas Eve & everything but i mite have to do dishes instead! No FUCKING WAY MAN!! If I seriously seriously HAVE to then FINE I will be mad but will do it but I need to see my mom!! I will talk to them about it...!

Besides that & him theres nothing much to talk about! so I will go...! Bye!

Fat ||Thin