Back to school....but not for me!
2001-09-05 || 1:57 p.m.

~*~*Dear Diary*~*~

Theres nothing really new happening besides getting more hostessing shifts which I am happy with! =) I dont know what else to say rite mind is blank. Before I knew alot I wanted to say but now i cant remember any of it. Hmmm...thats weird...!

Whenever summer is over & school is back...I get depressed. But then again when DONT I get depressed?! But I see all these young teenagers roaming the streets & the mall & I wish I was young like that again. I know that 21 is not old but still...! But then I remember I am not old & alot of people are older & everything so it doesnt bother me so much. But I kind of miss school. If I could go back to school I would change alot of things if I could. I wouldnt do my hair the way I the way I did...dress the way I did. I hardly had any friends at school & once my so called "friend" told me[this was in JR High]that I should stop wearing the clothes with all the animals on it becoz it was uncool. I was always uncool in school. People called me names more than compliments. It sucked. But now I have better hair & clothes & stuff & people seem to talk to me more[well Dennys people anyway] so I wouldnt mind it as much. I want to go to college. I want to go to Grant McEwan or NAIT. I want to do part time Dennys & then go to college. But I need the money for my rent too so I need the full time job...! I wouldnt get much money with 6 hours 3 days a week...! So I guess I have to do it some other way! I miss school & need to go back to it somehow...yes call me crazy for missing it but I do!!

~*~*Luv Alwayz Renee-Anne*~*~

Fat ||Thin