There is something people dont know about me...
2001-06-08 || 9:50 p.m.

~*~*Dear Diary*~*~

There is something about me that not many people know about. Only my family knows about it & I would never dare to tell anyone else. I am surprised no one else knows besides them...I guess its becoz my family knows they shouldnt tell. Im glad too becoz I would be devastated. I would not tell my closest friends or even my boyfriend when i get one. I dont even know why I am saying this on here but its something to talk about aint it?

Well today is my kittys 13th birthday! Yep Star is now 13 years old. My sister thinks this will be her last birthday. But i dont believe it. I got her some treats & stuff...! And my other cat Luckys birthday is on the 16th! But this is his first birthday...hes just a baby boy...! Hmmmm yesterday this girl named Sheena in Dennys said that it was her cats birthday so our cats birthdays are a day apart! Only her cat is 4 & mine is 13!

I am not in the happiest moods these dayz. But I am going to try to act happy & remember all the good things that are going to happen. Like how I have $1000 in my bank, Lance coming back, James concerts, the people who care about me & things like that. I am going to do my hair tomorrow before the concert becoz I want to look better for you know who! He says he likes my hair when its down! So I am happy he said that.

My friend has been so sad lately & I dont know what to do. I know it probably has something to do with me even though we do other things that i wont say. I cant call her & talk to her though becoz she probaly wont want to talk about it. I dont want to be happy right now anyway becoz of it..!

Well the next time I write in here will probably be after the concert tomorrow & so depending on how I go home & when[its downtown at night]I will tell yall what happened! Hopefully something kewl will happen!! =) He can probably talk to me for awhile!

Well I got to go now. Happy 13th birthday Star!!

~*~*Luv Alwayz Renee-Anne*~*~

Fat ||Thin