I filled out surveys[whoopee]plus Jessica news[good]!!!
2003-02-13 || 3:49 a.m.

I was about to go to bed but wanted to write in here before I did that. Theres nothing much to say though... I couldn't eat anything today at all & didn't. I just feel too damn depressed about James & crap like that to care. I feel like people will like me more if I'm thinner...I dunno. The only thing for today is a Cadbury Cream Egg & I puked that up...I wish I didn't since it was just one egg....sorry Deanna. I don't know why I keep doing this to myself. I know you'll read this & be mad. =( Unfortunately I ended up going to far into the disorder to stop. But then again the glasses of non diet Coke I drank will probably make up for that...!

I filled out like ten surveys today if anyone wants to see them.. whatever reason that is...!! =)

Well I got to go now. I am going to a doc appt, to see Jess in the hospital & then tanning...!!

Oh did I tell you about Jessica? I called the hospital to ask about her & her mom was saying that she is doing okay still & that she just got out of chemo...she has a chance to get better & out of the hospital her mom thinks!! =) WAY TO GO JESSICA!!!! =D I'm definitely going to spend time with her after she's out! I will spoil her rotten! =) Gosh I feel like I've known her really well ever since I first went to see her in the hospital!

Well I got to go now...my bed is calling me! =)

Fat ||Thin