This shouldnt of happened...
2001-09-12 || 12:03 p.m.

~*~*Dear Diary*~*~

There is proof that there are sick people in the world. Sick people who can end the lives of thousands & not care at all. I didnt know about the World Trade Center being destroyed until 3 pm when my sister told me. I didnt listen to the radio all day & I didnt watch the news. I heard about it in Dennys. We spent the first few hours of the 3-11 shift talking about it & stuff. Everyone was devastated.

Also me & my sister rented a movie called Turbulence 3 a few days ago. Someone hi-jacks a plane with a rock group & their fans on it & try to crash it but fortunately they land it safely & obviously the hi jackers die. But UNforutunately these hi-jackers practically got what they wanted by crashing the planes. Over what? US soil!?

What annoys me is that people in the world are laughing at this. My sister told me that one of the daytime servers is glad this happened. He says "good" this happened. I am glad i dont see him much anymore. I dont want to see his face anymore...I cant. SOmeone who is glad that something this bad happened?? Ha I dont think so!! If he ever asks me or tells me to do soething for him again....NO! I cant listen to some person like that...!

I give my sympathies to any victims dead or alive...their families & friends..anyone who is depressed or anything about this. I hope that they find the terrorists & do something with them that they will punish them...dont we all wish that? Unfortunately no not all of us do. There ARE some people celebrating & I spit on those people. This isnt something to celebrate. Lots of lives have been lost & it pisses me off that there are celebrations. Its not the World Trade Center being gone that upsets much as the people that were hurt or killed. New York will never be the same again to people & its all some peoples fault.

I called Mix 96[a radio station]& actually went on the air. I didnt get to say much though becoz then the lady dj started blabbing & they listened to another caller & I didnt get to say any of this on the air like I wanted to!

Please give your sympathies & prayers to the people in New York & around New York & around the world...they deserve it....!

Luv Renee-Anne

Fat ||Thin