I want to lose the weight but i would rather get the help!
2002-03-28 || 5:47 p.m.

WEIGHT: About 100 lbs rite now

HOW MUCH I WANT TO WEIGH: At least 90 lbs by April 15

HEIGHT: About 5'1

I am going to lose these pounds if it kills me! If I would stop getting in the huge moods for chocolate or mozza sticks all the time maybe it could happen easier... I havent been doing the best lately coz of poptarts, tacos, chocolate, pie & mozza sticks! *shudders* Dammit! I dont want to count the calories in all that coz it would be too much. The good thing is that its not all from the same day...just the last FEW days. I would rather lose weight the normal way[plain dieting not starving]but not even that helps. Ive only seemed to feel lighter after being foodless for a few days. Well whatever. Its going to happen. Im still going to find the help for the eating disorder[or problem]I have but I am going to wait until my next doctor appt on April 3 & see what they have to say but if they cant help...Im finding an actual eating disorder doctor becoz I know I have some kind of serious eating problem if not anorexia or bulimia...so wish me luck on that okay coz I sure the hell need it!

Fat ||Thin