Why is he doing this?!
2001-08-15 || 9:00 p.m.

~*~*Dear Diary*~*~

Well what do you know? I changed my mind again. I love him again...well not LOVE him but like him...alot. Hes such a cutie & I love these faces he makes like when something looks painful or disgusting! =D Awwww I still dont think that he is as caring as Lance is...not to me anyway but he still...hes so cute!!

I hate being jealous of my friend whenever he puts his arms around her & stuff but I am! He stares alot though & yesterday he was staring like just standing there & staring & I was looking at him & then away & hes like "Do I make you uncomfortable when I stare?" & Im like "No" & hes like "Most people get uncomfortable when people stare" or something...! It was weird but kewl too but who knows? I mean he does it to everyone else anyway. God it sucks becoz its from a guy who does the same thing to alot of people. I mean Lance hugs my sister & stuff & is the nicest to her of all of Dennys practically & everyone says he is bossy & rude so thats different...coz he doesnt really like alot of people but shes one of them but then James hardly ever hates anyone so he touches them all & stuff so I dont know if he likes me or not!! I want to know!! *whines* I hate liking him & then not caring & then liking him blah blah...God why is he doing this? =( *pouts*

~*~*Luv Alwayz Renee-Anne*~*~

Fat ||Thin