James means everything to me!
2001-10-15 || 1:21 p.m.

~*~*Dear Diary*~*~

I am not going to say anything that James & I do anymore...its all getting too mushy & private these days so!! =) All I want to say about him is that I love to be with him. Whenever I am around him I feel pretty & cared about for once. Hes always telling me how pretty I am & sexy & saying nothing but sweet things about me. He mite be talking about me behind my back but I dont know that so as long as he isnt saying anything to my face...hes not saying it at all! Coz I cant hear him! I hope to stay with him for along time coz he means alot to me! His band had another concert on Sat Oct 13 & it was so kewl!! I hope to become friends with the band more & especially the lead singer coz she seems so kewl!! And i know that James isnt using me for sex definitely coz of what happened on Sat nite...I wont say what happened but all I can say is that I had a "Say Anything" moment! And I am still embarassed about it rite now! But hes still all nice about it & is still talking to me & stuff =)

My friend is really sad still...I dont know what to do. I should call her when I am at home & talk to her. I want to actually help her but I dont know what to do!! What kind of friend am I? I blab about how me & my boyfriend are doing & then here she is...depressed & sad & I dont know what to do about it...! =(

Fat ||Thin