Whats the point of this?
2001-05-22 || 4:04 p.m.

~*~*Dear Diary*~*~

I am in a mall right now & I put two resumes in stores already...! I might keep the job for now anyway but I really want a new one! People can be so rude nowadays!!

I got off early coz it was kind of dead in the resterant! But tomorrow my sister will be off early if any of us are...! Thats okay becoz she deserves to be off early too!

I dont know what the point of this diary is becoz nothing really exiciting happened today but I feel like writing in here so I am! I was GOING to pay my internet bill but the damn store is shut down so how am I supposed to do it now??! I guess I will have to do it at the bank somehow!

Well I got to go. I will write in here again tonight if anything exciting happens k? Bye!

~*~*Luv Alwayz Renee-Anne*~*~

Fat ||Thin